Thursday, January 29, 2009

Beinn & Bree

Received this wonderful collage from Bree's breeder, thanks Richard! It's been decided that she will be bred to this striking boy, Beinn, when she comes in (please, wait till late April Bree!!).

For Megan

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We'll call this one "Pointy Ears" and dedicate it to Megan who loves Bree's "Pointy Ears"
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4 Letter Words from a Southerner

OK, to be able to publish this we'll keep it clean - SNOW and COLD. Woke up Wendsday morning to this;

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Well, a few days ago it was above 40 so I took Bree out for a run on the 4 wheeler! We were about half way through the loop we do and she started acting "weird". Hackles were straight up from nose to tail! Low grumble and lips quivering. Any one that knows her knows what a rock solid dog she is. Nothing, I mean nothing bothers her. So it was weird to see a fight or flight display in her.

The next day I had a call from the neighbor up the road. Seems she heard that a couple of "pet Cougars" were turned loose the next county over from me and they had already gotten into a kennel and killed a dog (she heard this at church?). Yikes! I called the county Sheriff to see what they had to say "can't confirm or deny it". Great, now I have to look "up" when we're out romping the fields?? Shees, at least with Alligators in Fl you "knew" where they hung out!

Just Nap

Posted by Picasa Thought I would toss up a picture of the handsome one! He's off getting his education. Talk about having an empty nest... He's doing great and I've been warned about his power, presence and eye. I simply have to wait 3 more months to get him home. I'm telling you there isn't a more sensible dog out there. He's quiet, calm, a thinker and just plain good to have around.

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Beginnings for all of us!

So, we up and moved from Florida to Tennessee! I think I am freakin nuts....those of you that live further north are nuttier though. There is no way I am exercising dogs on the "open" 4 wheeler when it's barely 20 degree's out, no way, not happening! So, we walk a mile 3 times a day instead - at least it's not up hill both directions.

The fences are coming, slowly but coming. The one 30 acre field should be up in a week or so. Bree finds her time spent hunting is just as satisfying as working. WHY do dogs stick their head into holes in the ground???? She's still not got any coat so to speak of - can you say "Coyote"