Friday, February 27, 2009

Just Catching Up

Yikes! It's been almost a month since the last post.

Well, we've been busy and traveling too. A 12 day road trip to Florida with a stop over in Alabama coming and going. Ah we went to Jeffers! Yep, and I spent almost 2 hours there and gawd knows how much $$ but it was worth it.

We worked the trial at Davids' and I mean "worked". I didn't run Bree as Bree w/o sheep for 3 months is NASCAR w/o restrictor plates. Had a blast and saw some smokin runs laid down. I ended up holding/spotting/sorting for the novice class. It was pretty nice to see newbies come out and give it a try. Hopefully many will continue.

The fence is still not done but will be as I have sheep arriving on the 6th of March! Somehow someway this-must-get-done. It will; it's just scary to look out there and see no wire! I am still looking for a LGD and was offered a Jack today - don't ask I don't get it either.

On a stop in Alabama I picked up Doc, a new resident here. Doc is doing a fine job of holding down the couch with Bree....I'll get pictures of him up if it would ever stop raining here! I mean I don't think it rains this much in Florida!! Trust me 42 and rain is not fun.

I was able to take both the dogs out on a run yesterday a couple of times. Doc is sure I am out to kill him. Bree is used to running, Doc isn't :) After his first mile and a half he promptly belly flopped in the pond and did not want to get out. His expression later in the day for the 3rd mile was priceless "you go ahead I will keep an eye out on you from here on the porch" not happening, he came along and then he possessed the couch the rest of the night.

Bree finally came in, well actually she's a month early. So, we have sheep and people coming next week and I will need to get her bred. It's now or never!

Had just a short update about Nap. He's doing really well. Yep, told ya it was short! Of course where he is is simply perfect. I sure do miss him and to think we are not even at the half way point yet.